lundi, mars 06, 2006

Fleur de novembre.
November flower.

Peut-être que si l'on met des photos de fleurs, le printemps frappera plus vite à nos portes?

Maybe if we put some pics of flower, spring will come earlier?

11 commentaires:

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Oh oh oh! Clo! How did you do that? It looks like a watercolor painting. Is it? Or did you "amipulate" a photo in PhotoShop?

Spring will HAVE to come with that!

Francois et fier de l'Être a dit...

J'ai mis justement moi aussi les images retravaillées de quelques fleurs. J'attends le printemps, il pointe au jardin nous n'auront plus longtemps à attendre.

Clo a dit...

ginnie: No. And I don't even have a Photoshop, just a little program with not so much special effect. In fact, on this one, I just did an enlargment because the flower was not so big, and this is all I did. If you look carefully, you can see the pixel. :O)

françois: Comme je viens de le dire, cette photo n'est pas retravaillée, j'ai seulement agrandi beaucoup en la recadrant. Ici, ça commence à sentir le printemps, mais il reste encore tant de neige à fondre...

mr. fabulous: ok, I admit, last night I burnt some beaver teeth with owl feather, but I think the shaman made a mistake and gave me beaver feather and owl teeth, because it doesn't work. :O)

Clo a dit...

ginnie: I just saw your "amipulate"... Hey! It's not in my dictionaries, what does that mean?

Clo a dit...
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Mei Shile a dit...

Plus une pincée de paroles magiques: Alibaba, pyjama, qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Pouf!
(Michèle la magicienne :-D)

Clo a dit...

Waw! Ça faisait longtemps que je l'avais entendue celle-là!
Et ça marche! Il fait soleil!

Anonyme a dit...

Lovely picture...lets hope it works :)

Ginnie Hart a dit...

I had a Mercury-Retrograde moment, Clo. It should have been "manipulate." No wonder you couldn't find it. Anyway, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Clo a dit...

ginnie: LOL It's because "ami" in french means "friend", so I thought maybe their was a special sense in that. Funny!
Mercury, hmmmmmm?
Didn't have any MR moment yet, but waiting... :O)

Clo a dit...

dreamwalker: It will... sooner or later... :O)