jeudi, mars 23, 2006

Je me suis trouvée!
I found myself!

Ne me cherchez ni dans le Petit Robert, ni dans le Webster, mais vous pouvez faire le vôtre ici. J'ai volé l'idée à M. Fabuleux!

You won't find this in the "Petit Robert", neither in the Webster, but you can do the same here. I stole that from Mr. Fabulous!

5 commentaires:

Calvin a dit...

Great lips!

josep-manel a dit...

The earth is flat, it isn't?

merlinprincesse a dit...

I thought the world was a big cube with people living in each corner.... :)OH YOU GUYS!

Ginnie Hart a dit...

So very cool (once again, after seeing it on Mr. Fab's site). Hmm. It even looks antique!

Clo a dit...

mr fab: Ok Aquarius and Pisces!
No the earth is round. Go on a beach, stand up, and look carefully, for a very long time, and you'll see your back! Proof that the earth IS round! But you need to have a very good sight...

calvin: Thanks, but aren't they a little bit too much great?

dib: The earth is a flat area that get a little round at the corner...

henri: Thanks!

mp: sur chaque coins! Outch!

ginnie: cool!