mardi, juin 13, 2006

Dear Ginnie, I wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Last Saturday, on our way back from Montréal, my sister was driving while I was shooting pictures. I think I shoot about 200 pics! Hmmmm... looks like I am photographoolic!

Today is Ginnie's birthday! I choose that one because it make me think of candles, Rockettes from the Radio City Music Hall, fireworks, well anything that should go with a birthday!


Samedi dernier, en revenant de Montréal, ma soeur conduisait et je prenais des photos. Je crois avoir pris environ 200 photos! Hmmmmmm...... serais-je photographoolique?

Aujourd'hui, c'est l'anniversaire de Ginnie! J'ai choisi celle-ci parce qu'elle me fait penser à des chandelles, les Rockettes du Radio City Music Hall, des feux d'artifices, bref, tout ce qui devrait aller avec un anniversaire!

6 commentaires:

Ginnie Hart a dit...

What a total surprise, Clo! You are really something else!!! Thanks a million. (I'm blushing and smiling at the same time :)

Anonyme a dit...

Hope you have a lovely day et,
beaucoup de bonheur pour toute
l'année!!! Bises.

Ruth a dit...

How very sweet!! She deserves all the best.

Clo a dit...

ginnie: The pleasure is mine, dear Ginnie! And as your sister said: You deserve all the best! :O)

And Ginnie, let me introduce to you my dear godmother, Ritadaphné, who is sending you her best wishes! If you saw the pics of me with my clown and Gene with the same clown 30 years later on my sis blog, well, Ritadaphné is the one who made that clown, well lets say something like 40 years ago! :O) She is the sister of my mother, and it's just great to see her on my blog!

ritadaphné: Voilà, les présentations sont faites. :O) Olé!

ruth: She sure does! :O)

Calvin a dit...

Happy Birthday Ginnie!

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Ohhhhh. I'm so honored, dear Clo and Ritadaphné. And thanks to Ruth and Calvin as well :)