Ce sont de toutes petites ruines d'un vieux moulin dont je n'ai malheureusement pas réussi à trouver le nom. Elles se trouvent près de la maison de mon frère, à Beauport. Une grosse meule se trouve au fond de la petite rivière. Il date au moins du XIXième siècle, mais fort probablement du Régime français.
Those are very smal ruins of an old mill witch name I unfortunately wasn't able to find. They are near the house of my brother, at Beauport. A big millstone lay in the small river. That mill was at least built in the XIXth century, but more certainly during the period of New France.
7 commentaires:
Ça me fait penser aux ruines de McKenzie King. C'est à son domaine près d'Ottawa et ouvert au public. Je vais essayer de poster des images.
Nice! I would love to go and shoot there.
Un pan d'histoire entre ces murs.
Clo, you are amazing. i wish i could peek through all of the photos you have taken in the last 30 (40?) years.
mei shile: Bonne idée! :O)
calvin: Well, maybe you will... :O)
françois: Mais qui garde bien des secrets...
mr. fab.: Yeah! Inspiring!
chris: Thanks! Ok, for your information, I began doing serious photography during my college (Cégep) years, almost 30 years ago, I was 17. But the very first pics I did was when I was 10 years old. So I guess I can say that I have 36 years of photography.
But it doesn't mean so much if I don't say that I was not always productive in all those years.
But I also have a confession to make to you. When I first saw your pics, and the fact that you began doing pics recently, I was totally jealous of your talent! :O)
Ciel,...On se croirait dans la
"Vieille Europe"...On a cette
beauté chez-nous?..Olé et bises.
Hé oui, c'est tout près de chez ton neveu qui se trouve à être mon frère... Sur un terrain qui faisait autrefois parti de son "domaine", mais qui appartient aujourd'hui à la ville. Bises.
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