mardi, février 07, 2006

Narcissique, moi?
Me! Narcissistic?

Certainement pas! J'ai seulement trouvé le moyen de vous montrer ma nouvelle coupe de cheveux, vue de face et de dos en même temps! Génial n'est-ce pas?

Never! I just find a way to show you my new haircut, from both side in the same time. I'm a genius!

5 commentaires:

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Awww. And did you get it cut today? So did I! :)

Clo a dit...

Not exactly. It was last friday.
We always feel so good with a new haircut, aren't we?

Calvin a dit...

Yeah!!! New haircut! It looks great little sister! Your pic reminds me of those Mc Escher paintings.

Clo a dit...

Yes, I love Escher and his fantastic world! You can see some more on:

And my favorite on that page is "Relativity"!

Thanks little brother! ;O)

Ashish a dit...

Escher was a genius!

Nice pic, by the way, Clo.