Narcissique, moi?
Me! Narcissistic?
Certainement pas! J'ai seulement trouvé le moyen de vous montrer ma nouvelle coupe de cheveux, vue de face et de dos en même temps! Génial n'est-ce pas?Never! I just find a way to show you my new haircut, from both side in the same time. I'm a genius!
5 commentaires:
Awww. And did you get it cut today? So did I! :)
Not exactly. It was last friday.
We always feel so good with a new haircut, aren't we?
Yeah!!! New haircut! It looks great little sister! Your pic reminds me of those Mc Escher paintings.
Yes, I love Escher and his fantastic world! You can see some more on:
And my favorite on that page is "Relativity"!
Thanks little brother! ;O)
Escher was a genius!
Nice pic, by the way, Clo.
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