mardi, avril 04, 2006

Gene et son papa, Jacques.
Gene and her dad, Jacques.

Je crois qu'il est grand temps que je vous présente le papa de Gene, mon défunt conjoint Jacques. Jacques est décédé il y a presque 6 ans maintenant, un 15 avril. Je ferai un post spécial dans deux semaines, mais d'ici là, je vais vous montrer quelques souvenirs de cette période, avec des vieilles photos que je rephotographie, en attendant d'avoir un scanneur. Nos belles années...

Parmi toutes mes photos de Gene avec son papa, celle-ci est ma préférée! C'est un portrait intime et tout en douceur.

I think it's about time I should introduce to you Gene's dad, my late hubby, Jacques. Jacques died almost 6 years ago now, on an April 15. I will post something special on that day, but until then, I'm going to show you some memories of thoses days, with old pics I shoot again, while I'm waiting for a scanner. Our sweet memories...

Among all the pics I have of Gene with her dad, this one is my favorite! It's an intimate portrait and it is very soft.

8 commentaires:

Clo a dit...

mr. fab: Thanks!

Anonyme a dit...

très beau moment,très belle photo.

merlinprincesse a dit...

Contente que tu l'aies mise sur Web-Pix!

Jozee a dit...

Hi, Clo. Thinking of you. Josie.

Clo a dit...

gayou: Merci! Au risque de me répéter, j'Adore cette photo!

mp: ouais, y'avait longtemps que je voulais présenter le papa de Gene...

jo: Thanks!

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Suddenly I have started to sob....and can't stop....

Clo a dit...

ginnie: That touch me very much. I have to admit that looking of pics of Jacques don't make me cry as often now. I cried a lot, and sometimes I still do.

You're not the first to tell me that. And I think that knowing the story behind that pic, it is much loaded with emotion. Yes, it is...

But I really just wanted to show to my blogger friends how handome he was, and mostly that he was a very sweet person. He was kind and always trying to help other. And I think that pic show that.

Also, this is a father-daugher pic, and to know that he died when Gene was five and a half, makes it more sad. That's why I always tell story about her dad to Gene. I try to keep him present for her. Though it is amazing how many memories she have about her dad. We talk about him very often and that is very helpful, for the two of us.

Thanks Ginnie, but please, stop sobbing!... :O)

Ok, I know what I will do, put a funny pic of them...

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