Par ce blog, je désire partager des images, des moments, des ambiances, pour voir la vie autrement. This blog is for sharing images, moments, feelings, and for seeing life differently.
jeudi, avril 27, 2006
9 commentaires:
a dit...
C`est une photo... très très étrange! Un être qui se regarde dormir, vivre ou ...? Je ne sais pas!!!
mr. fab: Going crazy? Hmmm... I thought it was already done!... joking!
Of course I'm going to tell you! I was at the train station, where there is a small restaurant (as you can see the chair below), there was those beautiful tablecloth with a very reflective plexiglass on it. So I began to shot, and I tried to capture my reflection. So, what you see is the design of the tablecloth and my reflection superimposed. Simple isn't it?
ritadaphné: Ce genre de photo est faite pour laisser libre cours à l'imagination. Il n'y a pas de mauvaise réponse. Il faut juste laisser couler...
ginnie: Maybe not so loud... maybe not so clear... But yes, this is me, the soft me... the flowing me... :O)
mp: I was wondering about your "chinese proverb"... Ah: the WOLF! LOL
9 commentaires:
C`est une photo... très très
étrange! Un être qui
se regarde dormir, vivre ou
...? Je ne sais pas!!!
I see you, loud and clear!
The Wold has better eyes than the Tiger.... (Old Chinese Proverb)
mr. fab: Going crazy? Hmmm... I thought it was already done!... joking!
Of course I'm going to tell you! I was at the train station, where there is a small restaurant (as you can see the chair below), there was those beautiful tablecloth with a very reflective plexiglass on it. So I began to shot, and I tried to capture my reflection. So, what you see is the design of the tablecloth and my reflection superimposed. Simple isn't it?
ritadaphné: Ce genre de photo est faite pour laisser libre cours à l'imagination. Il n'y a pas de mauvaise réponse. Il faut juste laisser couler...
ginnie: Maybe not so loud... maybe not so clear... But yes, this is me, the soft me... the flowing me... :O)
mp: I was wondering about your "chinese proverb"... Ah: the WOLF!
Je donne ma langue à Merlin et à Princesse (puisqu'Alphonse a disparu)
Ben oui le Wolf!.....Erreur de phrappe ou d'ortograffe!
mei shile: :O( C'est vrai, Alphonse...
Tu vois pas? Je l'explique en anglais plus haut.
mp: Ha! Laure-tôt-gras-feu!
Oups, j'avais pas lu le texte anglais mais pour être franche, je n'arrive pas plus à voir
mei shile: ben coudons... :O(
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