mercredi, janvier 11, 2006

Absolument belle.

Pour cette photo, je n'ai rien changé: ni le contraste, ni les couleurs, pas même le cadrage (je l'ai seulement redimensionnée pour le web). C'est le genre de photo qu'on réussit à faire une fois sur mille, avec de la patience, beaucoup de travail et un peu de chance. J'adore cette photo et j'en suis très fière, mais je dois avouer que j'avais un modèle exceptionnel: ma fille.

No modification for that picture: I didn't touch the contrast, or the colors, not even the framing (just smaller dimensions for the web). It's the kind of picture that we do once on a thousand time, with persistence, a lot of work and a little bit of chance. I love that pic and I'm very proud of it but I have to confess that I had a very talented model: my daughter.

8 commentaires:

Calvin a dit...

That is a great portrait. And she has very beautiful eyes.Good job :)

Captain Eudoxia a dit...

Elle est absolument belle !

merlinprincesse a dit...

Muy bella La Caperucita Roja...Kissikissi. Elle est si belle!

Mei Shile a dit...

C'est vrai que c'est un beau portrait!

Clo a dit...

Merci à tous!

Calvin: as I said I didn't do anything on that pic, just a clic and that was it! So it was no job at all. I love the blue of her eyes, the pink of her lips and specially the small freckles. :)

Jean: Absolument! But in fact, we don't exactly say that in french. I understand what you mean, but in french the word "absolument" mean more that it have to be, and you mean more that she is totally or completely beautiful. In that case, it's more appropriate to say "totalement" or "complètement". You can also say "extrèmement" or "terriblement", but we will stop because her ego is getting bigger...
But your expression is cute, so I decided to put that as my title.

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Absolument, totalement, extrèmement and terriblement. And I can see the resemblance :) (I think of my daughter, now 33, the same way.)

Clo a dit...

ginnie: thanks! :)

Clo a dit...

PG: Thanks! *blush* :O)