vendredi, janvier 13, 2006

Merlinprincesse et moi.

En 19.., vacances inoubliables à l'Ile-aux-Coudres, dans Charlevoix. Notre papa aussi aimait faire de la photo. Voici quelques uns de ces chef-d'oeuvres.

Unforgettable vacation at Ile-aux-Coudres, Charlevoix, in 19.. Our dad too loved to take pictures. Here are some of his masterpieces.

17 commentaires:

Ginnie Hart a dit...

How adorable, Clo! Since you're "94" (per your profile), I'm guessing that means you're the older sister? :) Or not? Actually, what is the age difference between you two? It looks like it's at least 5 years? Or wouldn't MP want you to tell!

merlinprincesse a dit...

I'm 6 years older, Ginnie, So it means I'm 100 yo....But I still look sooooo young. Not a day over 91....

Clo a dit...

Dear Ginnie... ok, I lied a bit about my age... Anyway, this pic don't look as if it was made in the beginnings of the 20th century... :)
To find witch is witch, just go on MP's blog and you'll find the answer on September 30th post!

Clo a dit...

Arghghgh! It took me so long to put that comment, my sis was faster than me, now my punch is over... *sigh*
Now, everybody will know that I'm a REAL blonde! (Hee, hee, hee, "WAS" is more appropriate now...)
Well, one of the advantage of having a big sister (sometimes it's a disadvantage...) is that you will herit of her things, I mean you will wear her clothes, her shoes,... And I have good memories about that bag she's having on that pic. After a while she gave it to me and it was my first bag (sacoche) and I had it at Expo '67, but that's another story...

Mei Shile a dit...

Un portrait sympathique de vous deux. Mon père était pas porté sur la caméra. L'artiste de la famille était plus ma mère. Mais j'avais un oncle photographe et une tante illustratrice de mode. J'ai pas grand chose de cette époque.

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Aha! The truth comes out. It always does, you know :) It looks like MP was already practicing taking pictures, doesn't it!

And Clo, as one of 8 kids of a preacher's family, I had MANY hand-me-downs over the years. It actually was always quite positive for me. I don't recall ever complaining about it. You get some of the best deals--for free!

Clo a dit...

mei shile: Notre maman, qui est toujours vivante, déteste se faire photographier. Elle souffre du thraumatisme du "Attends, bouge pas, je vais faire une photo... attends, encore une...", mais elle adore le dessin et les arts en général.

Une tante illustratrice de mode? Ça pique ma curiosité. Qui était-elle? Pour qui travaillait-elle? C'était au Québec ou en France? Pour Eaton ou pour Vogue? Bon, là je m'égare un ti peu...

ginnie: you're wright! And yesterday, MP told me she doesn't have any memories of that bag. Funny!

I also remember coming back from school for dinner when I was eleven, and my mother told me she had bought a new sweater for me. It was on my bed: a beautiful red sweater with a "col roulé" (rolled neck?). T'was my favorite for a long time. Funny I don't have any pic of that one.

Jozee a dit...

How adorable!

Clo a dit...

jozee: Thanks! And we still are... ;)

Mei Shile a dit...

Ma tante travaillait à Québec. Elle travaillait à son compte et avait Paquet, Syndicat, etc... comme clients.

Clo a dit...

Intéressant! Si jamais je trouve des vieux catalogues, je te le dis!

Calvin a dit...

aWWWWWW SO cute!
I love old pics.I need to start printing more of mine!
Also Clo check this out look how many people remixed your pic :)

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Now I'm really confused. Was MP joshing when she said she was the older of you two? I'm confused because of what Prairie Girl wrote on her post today.

Captain Eudoxia a dit...

Very sweet!

Clo a dit...

calvin: Thanks! And we still are... And for the remixing of my photo of France, it was very funny to see all those. I have to confess I prefer mine :) Ok, I'm not the queen of humility. And also that I like yours because the feeling is different. Calvin, you are a passionate person...

ginnie: MP is really the older. I think PG said that because I wrote "MP and me" instead of "Me and MP". I put MP first just to be polite. PG also said I was the wise one, thinking I was the oldest... I really don't know why she said that, ... do I(the little blondy) look dumb on that pic? Mmmmmm... come on, I was young and didn't know how to smile...

and Jean: yes, sweet memories too.

Ginnie Hart a dit...

Ok, Clo. Now PG is waiting for you to go tell her on her post, in comments, who is older :)

Clo a dit...

ginnie: lol. As soon as I finish to answer to the comments on my post I will. MP is working and I'm sure she will love to see PG last post! I'll phone her later...